Saturday, 1 October 2011

Confused About Domain Names, Websites and Web Hosting? 3 Tips to Understanding How They Fit Together

Tip #1) Domain Names: It all starts with people searching for information on the Internet. When a person is looking for ... let's say flowers, they might go to a search engine like Google and type in the word "flowers" or the phrase, "I need to buy flowers." Well, up pops millions of search results of websites that offer something to do with flowers.

As the searcher is looking over the results, they notice that most of the domain names are closely related to the word "flowers." That's because the people who own those particular domain names purchased a domain name with the word "flowers" in it. A domain name is just like an address or your business name in the real world off-line.

Tip #2) Websites: When the person who was searching for flowers clicks on one of the domain names, that person doing the searching is taken to that business owner's web site. You see, the domain name points to the website. So just like in the real world, going to the business owner's website is the equivalent of you walking into the actual store or place of business off-line.

Tip #3) Web hosting: Again just like in the real world off-line, the store owner who owns the flowers has to pay rent for a building to have a place to store and show his inventory of flowers. This allows you, as a customer, a place to go look at the flowers he has for sale. Well, the business owner on-line who owns the website is very similar. He has to pay rent or pay a hosting fee to have his website stored somewhere. Then when you, as a customer, want to access the business owner's website, it is available for you to access, so you can see the flowers he has for sale.

Understanding domain names, websites and web hosting is simple if you just remember the following:

The domain name points to the website and the web site needs to be kept or hosted somewhere to make it available for accessing and viewing.

Excluding just one of them, the domain name, the website or the web hosting, and the other ones become useless ... or do not work toward having a normal business on the Internet. Also, most of the time you cannot purchase the domain name, web site and web hosting all in the same place which makes that part of setting up an online business somewhat confusing.

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