Saturday, 1 October 2011

Tips to Finding the Perfect Domain Name For Your Business

The world is changing faster than we could have ever imagined. In the present age where information travels at an amazing speed, the web has become the medium of doing business or offering services. Every business, organization, firm and company is trying to get its presence noticed on the internet. Amidst this huge crowd, the thing that will set you apart or get you lost, is the domain name of your business.

The name of your domain is the identity of your business or services on the internet. The name of your domain has become as important as a brand name, trade mark or logo. The success of your website and business depends largely on your domain name. If it is that very important, then how should you go about getting the perfect domain name for your business? Here are some useful tips.

It should match your business

The name of your domain should possibly be your business name as well. This will make it easy for your potential clients to remember. Generally people go by simple logic while searching the web and hardly anyone wants to memorize domain names altogether. Squatters have registered many common domain names and the best option for you, may not be available. If you've just started or still waiting to start; then it will be worth the effort to first get the domain name and then name your business on that.

Successful marketing strategy involves synchronizing brand names with domain names. It should give a clear idea about your core business activity and not leave clients guessing.

Keep it simple

Your domain name should be simple and easy to remember. This will allow you to generate more traffic as it allows people to use your website or email address to get immediate access to the service or information that you are providing.

You should keep the spelling very simple as well. If your domain name is difficult and awkward, it may be easy for you to remember, but you can't expect your potential clients to memorize it with ease. That being said, do not select a completely generic name that will not give you a distinct identity.

Keep it short

As our main objective is to find a right name for our business domain, long names are tasking on the memory. Users are likely to make mistakes while typing it in. Though your name must give a general idea about what you do, it should not go on explaining it. You should keep it as short as possible, without it sounding to common.

Avoid names with special characters, hyphens and difficult numeric arrangements. Make it crisp and catchy.

Keep your target zone and future in mind

Though the domain name extensions like .com, .biz, .net, etc are popular; you must keep your target area in mind. If you intend to do business only in India or Hong Kong, then getting the will support your intention.

Do plan for the future

If you are planning to expand your business to other product and services, choose a domain name that will include these in the future. Or, have separate domain names for each category of products or services.

Seek help from the net

Having said all this, getting the perfect domain name is not all that easy. A plethora of squatters and websites have already registered many of the good and useful names. So seek help from programs that allow you to check your domain name and its availability. Some programs also assist in getting acronyms, alternative domain name spellings, trademark searches, pattern search and so on. These will save you a large amount of time and trouble.

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