Saturday, 1 October 2011

Good Domain Names and How to Pick Them!

Most people are under the impression that a domain name doesn't matter, after all, look at Google - it's not even a real world, but the fact of the matter is that there are certain factors that are taken in when deciding on a good domain name. A bad domain name could lead your website to failing dramatically. So, before you get excited and go and buy the first name that comes to your mind, read our easy tips to discover a good domain name for you.

Length is not strength

Sure, you want your domain name to explain exactly what it's about but sometimes, the longer a domain name, the more off-putting it is to remember. So, don't take instead think of something catchy that people will be able to remember only after being at your website for one visit. The shorter or easier your website to remember, the more the likely hood that people will frequent your website more often.

Keywords might not be key

You've got a specific keyword that you want to use in your domain, let's say... affiliate marketing. However, most of the domain names that can be used for affiliate marketing have already been taken. It's not as important to have the keyword in the domain name as it is developing a brand for your website. You want to be seen as a business or an expertise not a specific domain or website.

To Hyphen or Not to Hyphen

Most online marketers will suggest that you stay away from hyphens; it can cause confusion and ultimately makes the domain name look sloppy. Also remember the memory factor, imagine saying your domain out loud to someone, if it doesn't sound good "Top hyphen affiliate marketing hyphen tricks" then it isn't a good domain name.

.com .us .net .org

This is an important choice as it is your actual domain name, the wide range of extensions can sometimes be confusing for someone who has just come into the industry, after all, aren't all website's .com? Well, the fact of the matter is, depending on your particular type of business; you might have a different extension. Ideally, you should get your domain name in a .com - this means your domain is international, for all countries. Limiting yourself to one specific prefix, such as .us or or might give off the intention that you are only limiting your to that specific country. However, if a domain name you really want is taken but is available in a different extension, for instant .biz or .net, then the opportunity should be taken as well.

So, when you sit down with your business, remember that ideally, your website name should either reflect your brand or what your business is about. If you have a business name, please don't make the mistake of having anything other then your business name in the domain. Just keep in mind these simple requirements then choosing a good domain, that people will remember will be as easy as click, type and buy!

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