Saturday, 1 October 2011

Internet Marketing Tips - Domain Name Abuse

Okay, so I'm browsing through the Warrior Forum this morning and I see a thread with the title, "Call the Internet Police! Domain Keyword Abuse!!" and I just had to open it up and take a look. Well, what I found was absolutely hysterical. There was this domain that somebody found that had to be one of the longest and most ridiculous domain names I'd ever seen. Something to do with cats, dogs, training, behavior, counseling, and a dog bakery. Yeah, don't ask. Well, seeing this domain got me thinking. Why would this person want such a domain?

Well, I can think of one reason off the top of my head. You know how everybody talks about targeting long tail keywords? Well maybe this guy figured that by combining every single long tail keyword that he could think of into his domain name, he'll get ALL the people who are actually looking up those keywords. I guess in a kind of twisted way it makes sense. But here's the problem.

Most people, though not all, like to be able to remember the domains of places they go to so that they can just easily type them in. They also don't like those domains to be too long so that they don't have to type so much. Trust me, I have a couple of domain names that, though they would be considered perfectly acceptable, are probably longer than they should be. People are lazy and don't want to do more than they have to... especially when it comes to typing in a URL.

So coming up with a name that is just ridiculously long is counterproductive to what you're trying to do. Sure, you might get the curiosity seekers coming to your site to check out your long domain because it's novel. But do you REALLY think that many of these people, if any at all, will turn into buyers? Maybe if you have some novelty item. Point is, you want to make your name as recognizable as possible. You don't see Nike coming up with nike-is-the-greatest-sports-shoe-in-the-world-so-buy-one-and-just-do-it dot com, do you?

Picking a domain name is probably one of the most important things you will do. It will, aside from targeting certain keywords that you're after, identify you for life. I for one don't want to be known as the internet-marketer-who-has-ocd-and-just-cannot-get-away-from-his-computer dot com.

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