Saturday, 1 October 2011

From ZERO to a Six Figure Income Using Articles From the Public Domain

As all experienced Internet marketers known, having good quality articles on your own sites and in article directories is one of the best ways to grow regular traffic to your promotions. But writing your own articles can take time and it's not always easy and, even worse, some marketers find writing articles a very boring and arduous task. So if you don't want to write your own articles and you can't afford to pay someone else to create them for you, why not consider using the public domain as source and inspiration for your articles and even turn information from the public domain you're your own unique traffic pulling articles? Let me tell you how it's done:

Before we get started on this easy, no cost, super easy way to drive traffic and create quality backlinks from your articles back to your own web sites and blogs, let me say in the strongest possible terms that copyright free information should only be used as basic material for your articles and should never ever be used verbatim or you'll simply be wasting your time.

The reason you should not use other people's work 'as is' in your articles is that most article directories will refuse to use them anyway, quite rightly so, and the best article directories take a total no tolerance stance to articles uploaded unchanged from the public domain.

But no one minds public domain texts being used as research material for your articles and, properly done, copyright free articles can eliminate one of the longest and most boring tasks for the successful article writer, namely locating sufficient interesting information from which to create their articles.

And that means, if you choose a subject for your articles, such as tips for taking care of cats or curing acne, all you have to do is take hundreds of different tips from books and magazines in the public domain and copy them into an editing program like 'Word'. Then go through checking for and removing duplicate tips and rewriting the remaining tips in your own words and in your own unique style. Combine five to ten tips rewritten from the public domain and give your article an eye-catching title then put it to one side for a few days.

After a few days read you own article and the information taken from the public domain. Check for similar wording or phrases between your own article and the public domain original and if you find none - well done - you now have your own unique article to use at your own site or at article directories without anyone ever accusing you of uploading duplicate content.

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